addidas yezzy sport
For 68 years the Adidas group has been part of the world of sports in all its fields by offering shoes, clothing and a variety of sports complementary accessories with artistic value in each of its products. Today, the Adidas group has globalized and dominated the sports products industry and offers a wide portfolio of products worldwide. The Adidas group strategy is very simple: continually strengthen the brand and improve their competitive and financial position. The activities of the company and its more than 150 branches are directly monitored by the group leader in Herzogenaurach, Germany. As of December 31, 2009, the Adidas group employs 38,982 people for the full year.
There is also an opinion, that in fact Adidas is an abbreviation of a sentence, namely "All day I dream about sports" (Every day I dream about sports). This opinion is agreed by many people [need reference] considering that if each first letter of a word contained in a sentence is taken and then compiled, it will form the word Adidas, and also its meaning that supports the spirit of sports.
The company was founded by Adolf "Adi" Dassler who made sports shoes in his mother's scullery or laundry room in Herzogenaurach, Germany after his return from World War I. In July 1924, his older brother Rudolf joined the business, which became "Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory" (Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik).[10] The electricity supply in Herzogenaurach was unreliable, so the brothers sometimes had to use pedal power from a stationary bicycle to run their equipment.[11]
Dassler assisted in the development of spiked running shoes (spikes) for multiple athletic events. To enhance the quality of spiked athletic footwear, he transitioned from a previous model of heavy metal spikes to utilising canvas and rubber.[12] In 1936, Dassler persuaded U.S. sprinter Jesse Owens to use his hand made spikes at the 1936 Summer Olympics. Following Owens' four gold medals, the name and reputation of Dassler shoes became known to the world's sportsmen and their trainers. Business was successful and the Dasslers were selling 200,000 pairs of shoes every year before World War II.[13]
Both Dassler brothers joined the NSDAP in May 1933 and became also members of the National Socialist Motor Corps.[14] Furthermore, Adolf took the rank of Sportwart in the Hitler Youth from 1935 until the end of the war.[15] During the war, the company was running the last sport shoe factory in the country and predominantly supplied the Wehrmacht with shoes. In 1943 the shoe production was forced to cease operations and the company’s facilities and workforce was used to manufacture anti-tank weapons. From 1942 to 1945 at least nine forced labourers were working at both sites of the company.[16]
The Dassler factory, used for production of anti-tank weapons during the Second World War, was nearly destroyed in 1945 by US forces, but was spared when Adolf Dassler's wife convinced the GIs that the company and its employees were only interested in manufacturing sports shoes. American occupying forces subsequently became major buyers of the Dassler brothers' shoes.[17]